Why book with Chasin' Sunsets Travel?
Life is short! Book the trip!

We will efficiently be there for you throughout your entire travel process. From initial contact to booking to returning home. We will available to answer any questions you have, provide advice, and be honest about budget and destinations. We treat every quote as if we are going on that vacation to give you the best experience. Contact us today!

Meet Our Agents

It's Time to Sign Up!
Girl's Getaway 2025

It’s time to gather your besties for a much deserved few days away! Space is limited! 

Click the link below to see all details and how to book the Girl's Getaway...

Custom Vacations
Are you wanting something in the United States or not your typical all inclusive vacation?

I will help you find the destination and activities that you are looking for...driving itinerary to National Parks, East Coast Fall Foliage Tour, Alaskan cruise, Costa Rican adventure, Oktoberfest in Germany to name a few. Got a wish? Just ask and we will work together to create that dream getaway. 

Destination Weddings
5 Reasons to use a travel agent

*Resort knowledge to guide you

*Will get you best value including extra perks

*Save you hours of time and stress 

*Handle guest communication 

*Be there to answer any questions 

We can meet via phone, zoom, or in-person

Let’s set up a time to talk

Chasin' Sunsets Travel LLC

Jill Thompson/Tea, SD

There's a difference between a good price and a good deal. Travel agents know the difference.